Studies associate patterns of life with diseases such as obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and diabetes.  A few observational studies also have established association between adherence to medical recommendations and health outcomes of patients with chronic conditions. 

Patterns of life disproportionately impact our populations, particularly those burdened by multiple, comorbid, chronic conditions.  Fourteen percent of Medicare patients have six or more coexisting chronic conditions and account for over 46% of Medicare spending.  The socioeconomically disadvantaged and racial and ethnic minorities also are disproportionately impacted by patterns of life. 

However, there is very little evidence-based knowledge about the effect of patterns of life on the design of and adherence to clinical therapies and the health outcomes of patients. 

We offer a better understanding of the interactions among such conditions, healthcare processes, modifiable social determinants of health and other patterns of life. We operationalize such understanding through the design and deployment of effective and sustainable interventions using evidence-based and standard of care processes.